God Can Always Be Trusted (Jeremiah 31)

Dear families,

If you’re a parent or a spouse, there’s a strong likelihood that at some point you have had to say the same thing to the same person over and over to get your point across. Some things are so important they are worth repeating. And some people are so quick to forget, we must repeat. 

For example, each of my four children have gone through seasons when brushing their teeth was such a chore that you would have thought they were being asked to eat nails. My wife and I would remind them dozens of times in the morning and dozens of times in the evening to brush their teeth, and yet still we would later find evidence that it didn’t happen. I feel confident none of them were belligerent in wanting their teeth to rot, but we were loving enough to remind them that this was likely to happen if they didn’t remember to complete this menial task a couple of times a day. 

In Jeremiah 31, there is a phrase that is repeated by the Lord to the hearer of these words. The phrase, “the LORD’s declaration” occurs 10 times in these 40 verses. These words even appear at times in the middle of a thought or sentence, uniquely placed to garner great attention. In addition the phrase, “This is what the Lord says” occurs seven times. Clearly, the Lord wants the hearers to be abundantly clear from whom these words are coming. 

We are most certainly forgetful people, often forgetting the smallest of details and even the most significant of facts. The Lord knows us on the deepest level and knows how great our need is for direct reminders. 

Jeremiah 31 contains difficult truths and delightful promises. God knows that the hearer is likely to bristle at the warnings and rejoice in the hope, but he also seemingly wants to ensure that we who read these words do not forget that they are His words. 

As we read the Bible, it is crucial that we recall the voice behind the words: the voice of God. The only One of highest authority and knowledge and good. Maybe you need to remember as you read and listen to God’s Word that this is the Lord’s declaration.

Check out The Gospel Project At Home for resources designed to help you lead a family worship experience as well as suggestions for morning and evening prayer times and family activities. 



This is the big idea of how this week’s Bible story points to Jesus.

  • Babies & Toddlers: Jeremiah told of God’s plan to forgive sin and help people want to obey God. Jesus made God’s words come true. God forgives our sin through His Son, Jesus.

  • Younger Preschool: God’s words are always true, so we can always trust God. Jeremiah told of God’s plan to forgive sin and help people want to obey God. Jesus made these words come true. God forgives our sin through His Son, Jesus.

  • Older Preschool: Jeremiah’s message was good! God’s words are always true, so we can always trust God. Jeremiah told about a day when God would forgive sin and change people’s hearts. Jesus made these words come true. God forgives our sin through His Son, Jesus.

  • Kids: God’s words brought hope to God’s people because His words were true. God can always be trusted. Jeremiah told about a day when God would forgive sin and change people’s hearts. Jesus’ death and resurrection provides forgiveness of sins. Through Jesus, we have new hearts and life with God forever.


This is an important biblical truth that your child will encounter each week of this unit. 

  • Younger Preschool: Can God be trusted? Yes, we can trust whatever He has said.

  • Older Preschool: Can God be trusted? Yes, God cannot lie, so we can trust whatever He has said.

  • Kids: Can God be trusted? Yes, God cannot lie or ever be wrong, so we can trust whatever He has said.


This is a Bible verse that relates to what your child will encounter each week of this unit. 

  • Babies & Toddlers: Trust in the Lord. Jeremiah 17:7

  • Younger Preschool: The person who trusts in the Lord is blessed. Jeremiah 17:7

  • Older Preschool: The person who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence indeed is the LORD, is blessed. Jeremiah 17:7

  • Kids: The person who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence indeed is the LORD, is blessed. Jeremiah 17:7

** Next week: Esther Saved Her People (Esther)